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Student Devices in Class: A Source of Distraction?

Faculty Focus posted an interesting article earlier in the month on cell phone policies . A survey of faculty was conducted to see what they did related to the use of cell phones and other student devices in the classroom, and their responses were then grouped into broad categories. By far, the largest number of policies were classified as "prohibition policies" where the instructor banned the use of any sort of student device for any reason. Faculty responses ran the gamut from those who permitted devices for class-related activities only, those who left the decision up to the student, those who found novel ways to encourage non-use, and those who had no policies whatsoever. Discussions like this are interesting and often founded on research showing that people are unable to multi-task effectively, and therefore see student devices as a potential distraction to learning. This article asked many relevant questions as to the effectiveness of various policies, as well as whet
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Respondus 4.0 Tips and Tricks

Respondus 4 is designed to save you countless hours when creating online exams. Beyond their easy-to-use test editor, Respondus allows you to harness the power of publisher-created tests and test banks. Take advantage of our campus-wide Respondus 4 license. Here are two tips to help you get started!   1) Importing Word Files - The import feature is a fast way to bring exam questions from Microsoft Word into the Respondus 4 application. From there it takes only a few clicks to publish the exam to your online course.  4-Minute training video:   Article with step-by-step instructions:   2) Respondus Test Bank Network – The leading textbook publishers make their test banks available in Respondus 4 format. This service is available for free to instructors who use Respondus 4. Simply search for the textbook being used in the course and request access to the test bank. Once the publisher grants access, you can use Respondus 4 and